
May 13 2022: ‘diminish’ is now available on bandcamp and soundcloud


About kesambi


kesambi is a mostly ambient music project by Jeremy Wagstaff.


'kesambi' is the Indonesian name for the schleichera oleosa or Ceylon oak. The botanist Georg Eberhard Rumpf (1627–1702), better known as Rumphius, called the kesambi 'cussambium', which gives a good idea how to pronounce the word.

Poll cover.jpg


by kesambi

‘poll’ was released on Dec 1, 2020. It features pieces written during the recent U.S. presidential election and count. You can find higher resolution recordings at kesambi's Bandcamp page (where you can buy the whole album for $7 - 2 hours of music to work, walk, think, talk, or wash up to)